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You may be traveling wrong.

Especially when you go to Italy. One question: Did your Italian vacation give you the Italian gem of la Dolce Vita, the sweet life that you hear and read about?

If you're here on this page, you may be looking to increase the enjoyment in your travel, and in your every day. You may also love Italy like we do. Have you been looking for that movie scene moment? What you see in a film? That magic that you hear people talk about - so unique to Italy? However you have not experienced it... yet?

April 15-19, 2024 La Dolce Vita COUPLE's Mastermind Retreat Experience.

Location: Piedmont, Italy

Some travelers may be looking for that greatest hits type of trip when it comes to Italy.

What I hear often is, "We're going to Italy!"

I ask, "Where are you exploring?"

And I hear, "We're going to Rome, Amalfi, Naples, Florence, Siena, Venice, Milan, Lake Como, and..."

Me: " many days are you going to be in Italy?"

Response: "10 days..."

Italy? Check. For some, this may be the perfect trip. Everything at once. One and done. Check Italy off the list. However, can you fully experience that much at once? How can you create those movie moments if you're that busy, rushing between train stations? How can you notice the sweet life if you're running and creating such a hustle? In our opinion, you cannot.

Experience life in Italy. Make movie moments. Meet the incredible people of Italy. Learn la dolce vita from the people who live it. In our opinion, to gain more value in life, you must choose to do less. Pick the most important or the most intriguing. What sparks the most intrigue? The things that really bring you joy.

Slow Down and Savor. Choose to go to only one or two destinations. Move more slowly. See more. Each city, each place, has thousands of years of treasures to offer you. Meet the locals and live the way they do for a week. Go stand at a bar and take a coffee first thing in the morning. Italians would never take a coffee sitting down. Experience the incredibly rare, off-the-beaten-path experiences and people that no one else knows about or has access to. Join the locals before dinner and have Aperitivo. Have a cocktail to mark the end of the day and the beginning of the evening. We guarantee you, the Italians will become curious and start to talk to you.

Live Local. Live like the Italians, but better yet, like the Romans, the Milanese, the Piedmontese, the Sicilians. Every place, every set of people that make up Italy are so unique, have so much different culture and history to discover. That is our favorite part. We may never be able to discover and learn it all...and that is why we love Italy.


Italy is renowned for its romantic charm and timeless allure. Its rich history, art, and cultural heritage have inspired us on a profound level. From the breathtaking mountains of Piedmont to the sunny Amalfi coast, Italy’s diverse and picturesque landscapes have captivated us. The slower pace of life and the “Dolce Vita” lifestyle have proven to be invaluable teachers, imparting lessons that have enriched our relationships, our businesses, and our everyday lives.


To strengthen our connections:

Amid busy lives and responsibilities, travel becomes a haven for reconnection, for sharing experiences, and for enjoying a different pace of life.

To create shared adventures:

The challenges overcome, the memories created, and the moments of awe experienced together create a collection of adventures that become the stories we share.

To inspire creativity:

The inspiration gained from our travels has enriched our lives and our collaborative endeavors, taking us out of the mundane and into areas of new possibility.

To create lasting traditions:

Whether it’s returning to Italy, revisiting certain destinations, or visiting with friends that have become family, our travels have created experiences that have become traditions.

To learn and grow:

Every destination offers an opportunity to learn something new, whether about history, art, cuisine, or simply life itself. 

To write our stories:

We believe in living intentionally. Each experience, each destination, each moment shared is a part of the narrative we’re creating.